PayBox and Virtapay SCAM..!!! Reviewed by Kampung Tangguh Semeru dan 17 Orang Lainnya on Selasa March 15, 2025, 8:15:30 am Rating: 4

PayBox and Virtapay SCAM..!!!

Apparently PayBox a purpose-built web "site flipping", the principle is simple: to create a program to offer a large income to members to enhance public relations and traffic.
Once everything is achieved, then the web is on sale at high prices. This is clearly evidenced by the URL PayBox who had been in possession URLs redirect to other sites that have purchased PayBox site. And you should know that the admin PayBox've made ​​one more site that is 100% the same as PayBox that offer the same income. The site is VirtaPay the obvious destining to "site flipping". So do not ever expect to sites like this, as it will only benefit the website owners only.

Ever heard of a new site called If not, I'll explain a little about this PayBox. a site similar to PayPal, AlertPay can be used for online transactions, exchange currency, store in the online payment process. This site itself has not been launched and the plan would lounching in 2011. Before the appearance of this website site formerly called EarlyBird that promise income from it. Yet somehow this EarlyBird now turned into PayBox which he said could be an alternative payment for online transactions.

Through PayBox you can get 50 dollars free when completing the registration, get 20 dollars per day, and 5 dollars from every referral you have, as well as other income from GPT programs "Get Paid To" after the site lounching. But the question is this true? What might be earning so great without doing anything, without investing or whatever. The new results we know after this site lounching in 2010.

Here I am not talking about how to get dollars from PayBox. What I want is sharing about the program. And a little research on what is arguably PayBox "Legit or Scam". Let's discuss!!!
Read Terms of Service

In Terms of Service, it is stated:

" reserves the right to update and change the Terms of Service from time to time and without notice. Continued use of the Service after changes to the Terms of Service
shall constitute your consent to such changes. "

It also stated:

"If you are an EarlyBird user (a user who is active before PayBox services are generally available to the public), you may earn a variable daily rate roomates will be automatically added to your account balance PayBox. The rate paid may change at any time, and may be discontinued without notice. "


" reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Service (or any part thereof) with or without notice at any time."

In other words, there are no absolute rules governing the continuity or consistency of payment listed in their promotions. This program may be discontinued without prior notice.
A similar program has been there before

PayBox is not the first program ever made. Previously there was a similar program that uses the well-known Disney concept of "Disney Dollars" which are used to deal with currency dollars, but now it is no longer active. And there are others that "Linden Dollar".
Your account will be terminated

If the program is correct (legit) then it would be very big advantage you have. But the bad news, your account can also be dismissed if you do not log in the past some time. So you must often log on and keep it active. If it was not activated until the lounching arrived, then your earnings during the pre-lounching will be forfeited. This would be especially detrimental when you have taken the trouble to collect an end but you do not get anything.

With all of these provisions could end up negative. Maybe this time PayBox promises great income to you (pre-lounching) but no one end to receive a payment from him. But anyway, you participate in this program or not, yes .. not hurt, because it is completely free. We await further developments.

So review the Legit or Scam? I'm sure you can decide for yourself whether this program can believe it or not. If you think this article please take and post on your blog (Note TOS). Please comment on this PayBox.


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