Praise be offered to Allah SWT for His abundant grace so that the paper entitled "Kompresing Video" can be completed on time. The paper is made with the aim to fulfill the task subjects MULTIMEDIA Data Communications Engineering Department University Trunojoyo.
On this occasion, conveyed thanks to:
1. Lecturers who have given a lot of input both theory and practice.
2. Computer Laboratory Trunojoyo University who helped write this paper.
3. Friends who have provided motivation and encouragement that this paper is completed as expected.
It is recognized that this writing is still far from perfection. For that constructive criticism and suggestions for improvements are expected next paper.
Bangkalan, October 7, 2012
1.1 Background
The development of video in today's digital era, it is capable, the shift from manual to digital video videos began to be felt gradually. Even the Indonesian government is planning to shut down TV stations that still use analog systems. The development of digital video begins with analog video. NTSC (National Television Standards Committee), PAL (Pjose Alternating Lines) and SECAM (Sequential Couleur Avec Memoire or Sequential Color with Memory). NTSCmemasukkan standard specification of
• The aspect ratio, the relationship between the width and height at the time of still images
• Resolution, the number of lines that are used to re-create the image on the screen
• Scan rate, how fast the screen to draw (draw) pictures
• A method of scanning, engineering drawing images
• broadcast technique, how to display the screen color composite and component
For a variety of reasons above that, the published paper are to discuss the current Digital Video is growing steadily.
1.2 Problem Formulation
From the description above background, some of the issues that will be discussed in this paper are:
1. What is Digital Video?
2. Digital Video Architecture Bagaiamanakah?
3. What Are The Advantages Digital Video?
4. As Is Digitalization Video on Digital Video?
5. Bagaiamanakah Digital Video Production Process?
1.3 Objectives
1. Knowing and understanding the explanation of Digital Video
2. Knowing and understanding the architecture Digital Video
3. Knowing and understanding the Digital Advantage Video
4. Knowing and understanding the Digitalization Video to Digital Video
5. Knowing and understanding the Digital Video Production Process
2.1 Definition Video
Video is a technology for capturing, recording, processing, and re-transmits moving images. Usually using celluloid film, electronic signals, or digital media. Video can also be regarded as a composite pictures dead are read sequentially in one time with a certain speed. The images are combined is called the frame and image readout speed is called the frame rate, the unit fps (frames per second). Because it is played in a high speed they create the illusion of smooth motion, the greater the value of the frame rate the more subtle movements displayed.
2.2 Application Video
Applications include many videos on multimedia applications, namely:
- Entertainment: roadcast TV, VCR / DVD recording
- Interpersonal: video telephony, video conferencing
- Interactive: windows
2.3 Types of Video
Basically there are two types of video in a computer monitor, namely: Analog and Digital Video.
a. Video Analog
Analog video is a product of the television industry and are therefore used as a standard television.
b. Digital Video
Digital video is a product from the computer industry and are therefore used as the digital data standards.
2.4 Digital Video
Digital video is a type of video recording system that works using digital systems than in analog video representation. Usually recorded in Digital Video tape, then distributed through optical discs, such as VCD and DVD.
One of the tools that can be used to produce a digital video camcorder is, which is used for recording video images and audio, so a camcorder will consist of camera and recorder. As in the following figure.
Full integration of digital video cameras and computers reduces nemtuk of video from analog television production and multimedia delivery platform, if you move the camera video output signal is digital, you can record your video directly to disk, ready to be edited. If a video clip is stored as data on a hard disk, CD-ROM or other mass storage device, the clips can be played back without special hardware monitor.
The world of video now has changed from analog to digital. These changes occur at all levels of the industry. On the consumer home and office we can enjoy the excellent quality of the digital video technology through the presence of VCD and DVD (Digital Versatile Disc), while the broadcasting world is now also gradually shift towards technology DTV (Digital Television). Most households in the United States have used the digital cable signal reception and digital satellite signals to digital television broadcasts.
2.5 Architecture Video Digital
Architecture consists of a Digital Video format for mengenkode and play back video files to your computer and includes a player that can recognize and open files created for that format. Architecture is the main digital video AppleQuicktime, Microsoft Windows Media Format and Real Network RealMedia. The associated video file formats are QuickTime movies (. Mov), Audio Video Interleaved (. AVI), Windows Media Video (. Wmv), and RealMedia (. Rm). Some players recognize and play more than one video file format.
Video, audio as well as undergo a similar process that is usually recorded and played as an analog signal. For that to be converted into digital advance in order to be processed into a multimedia title.
A video sources such as camcorders, VCRs, TV, or video disks, connected to a video capture card (video capture card) contained in a computer. When the source video is played, the analog signal is sent to the video card and converted into digital data which is then stored into the hard disk. At the same time, the sound of the source video is also digitized.
2.6 Advantages Digital Video
Some of the Advantages of Using Digital Video Digital Video has many advantages over analog video, the most important is the high accuracy in the process of transmission (high fidelity) than the analog signal. In analog signals, while receiving end of the transmission would be difficult to distinguish between the original signal and the noise that may be introduced during transmission. With the repeated transmission of the accumulated noise can not be avoided. As with the digital signal that can differentiate between the original signal with noise. Digital signals can also be transmitted repeatedly as many times as we want without affecting quality.
Digital video also has other advantages:
• Easy for the fox. Video Analog Video Tape works like a linear fashion with the prefix, middle and ending. If you want to change the video, we have often been rewind, pauss, reff tape to get the frame we want.
• Digitization also allows for random access.
• Interactive, Digital Video stored in random example, magnetic storage media / optical disk. While analog video using sequential storage, for example, magnetic disc / video tape. Digital video can provide a rapid response time in accessing any part of the video.
• Quality: the analog signal from the analog video quality will decline gradually due to the influence of atmospheric conditions. While digital video quality can be derived using compression techniques.
• Transmission and distribution easy
because the compression process, the digital video can be stored on a CD,
displayed on the web, and transmitted over the network.
2.7 Digitalization Video
In the multimedia applications to be modified video signal into a digital form that can be stored in computer memory and do the editing.
- Sampling rate: find the value of horizontal resolution, vertical, frame rate for disample.
- Quantization: doing the conversion of analog signals to digital sampling.
- Digitizing video color: the more colors represented, the better the resolution of the color and size of its capacity will be higher. In a digital TV system, the process of digitizing all three color components performed before transmission.
- The process of editing and other operations can be done quickly
- It takes the same resolution for all three signal
2.8 Process for Digital Video Production
The process of creating digital video includes several stages. The first stage of the shooting technique. In order to produce good and quality video, shooting technique is very important in determine the results obtained. Shooting techniques mecakup several stages. The following steps need to be in shooting techniques
• Framing Shot: Three rules
• Minimise Camera Motion (motion): Shakes, Pans (moving the camera from side to side), and zooms
• Maintain Time Code
• Obtain the appropriate Shots close up (close), medium shot (MS), shoot wide (WS)
The second stage is the editing. Basics of editing includes capture (capturing) video from an external source, a separate set of video sequences or "clip", splitting and cutting (trimming) clip, and last add transitions and special effects. Terkhir stages of the manufacturing process is the rendering of digital video. as well as editing the rendering process would have stages. Starting from the video master to generate the file, a new independent video, very time consuming, processor-intensive operations and render the appropriate targets, but do not forget to keep the master
Of the explanation may diambul important points that NTSC and PAL are the most widely used specification for analog video, digital video is purely digital partial dam important aspect of digital video compression, frame rate, and resolution, and three steps to develop video: shooting, editing, and rendering
2.9 Some types of VGA to digital video:
- CGA (Color Graphics Array):
o Sleeps 4 colors with a resolution of 320 pixels x 200 pixels.
- EGA (Enhanced Graphics Array)
o Holds 16 colors with a resolution of 640 pixels x 350 pixels.
- VGA (Video Graphics Array)
o Accommodating 256 colors with resolution of 640 pixels x 480 pixels.
- XGA (Extended Graphics Array)
o Accommodating 65,000 colors with a resolution of 640 x 480
o Accommodating 256 colors with resolution of 1024 x 768
- SVGA (Super VGA)
o Accommodating 16 million colors with a resolution of 1024 x 768
3.1 Conclusion
Based on the above papers, it can be several conclusions, among others:
• Digital Video is a product of the computer industry and are therefore used as the standard digital data.
• Digital Video Architecture consists of a format for mengenkode and play back video files to your computer and includes a player that can recognize and open files created for that format.
Admin. , 2008. Audio-Video Editing, (online),, accessed October 7, 2010, at 19:47 pm
Dr. Ridi Ferdiana, S.T., M.T. Digital Video. Accessed on October 7, 2010, at 19:21 pm
Praise be offered to Allah SWT for His abundant grace so that the paper entitled "Kompresing Video" can be completed on time. The paper is made with the aim to fulfill the task subjects MULTIMEDIA Data Communications Engineering Department University Trunojoyo.
On this occasion, conveyed thanks to:
1. Lecturers who have given a lot of input both theory and practice.
2. Computer Laboratory Trunojoyo University who helped write this paper.
3. Friends who have provided motivation and encouragement that this paper is completed as expected.
It is recognized that this writing is still far from perfection. For that constructive criticism and suggestions for improvements are expected next paper.
Bangkalan, October 7, 2012
1.1 Background
The development of video in today's digital era, it is capable, the shift from manual to digital video videos began to be felt gradually. Even the Indonesian government is planning to shut down TV stations that still use analog systems. The development of digital video begins with analog video. NTSC (National Television Standards Committee), PAL (Pjose Alternating Lines) and SECAM (Sequential Couleur Avec Memoire or Sequential Color with Memory). NTSCmemasukkan standard specification of
• The aspect ratio, the relationship between the width and height at the time of still images
• Resolution, the number of lines that are used to re-create the image on the screen
• Scan rate, how fast the screen to draw (draw) pictures
• A method of scanning, engineering drawing images
• broadcast technique, how to display the screen color composite and component
For a variety of reasons above that, the published paper are to discuss the current Digital Video is growing steadily.
1.2 Problem Formulation
From the description above background, some of the issues that will be discussed in this paper are:
1. What is Digital Video?
2. Digital Video Architecture Bagaiamanakah?
3. What Are The Advantages Digital Video?
4. As Is Digitalization Video on Digital Video?
5. Bagaiamanakah Digital Video Production Process?
1.3 Objectives
1. Knowing and understanding the explanation of Digital Video
2. Knowing and understanding the architecture Digital Video
3. Knowing and understanding the Digital Advantage Video
4. Knowing and understanding the Digitalization Video to Digital Video
5. Knowing and understanding the Digital Video Production Process
2.1 Definition Video
Video is a technology for capturing, recording, processing, and re-transmits moving images. Usually using celluloid film, electronic signals, or digital media. Video can also be regarded as a composite pictures dead are read sequentially in one time with a certain speed. The images are combined is called the frame and image readout speed is called the frame rate, the unit fps (frames per second). Because it is played in a high speed they create the illusion of smooth motion, the greater the value of the frame rate the more subtle movements displayed.
2.2 Application Video
Applications include many videos on multimedia applications, namely:
- Entertainment: roadcast TV, VCR / DVD recording
- Interpersonal: video telephony, video conferencing
- Interactive: windows
2.3 Types of Video
Basically there are two types of video in a computer monitor, namely: Analog and Digital Video.
a. Video Analog
Analog video is a product of the television industry and are therefore used as a standard television.
b. Digital Video
Digital video is a product from the computer industry and are therefore used as the digital data standards.
2.4 Digital Video
Digital video is a type of video recording system that works using digital systems than in analog video representation. Usually recorded in Digital Video tape, then distributed through optical discs, such as VCD and DVD.
One of the tools that can be used to produce a digital video camcorder is, which is used for recording video images and audio, so a camcorder will consist of camera and recorder. As in the following figure.
Full integration of digital video cameras and computers reduces nemtuk of video from analog television production and multimedia delivery platform, if you move the camera video output signal is digital, you can record your video directly to disk, ready to be edited. If a video clip is stored as data on a hard disk, CD-ROM or other mass storage device, the clips can be played back without special hardware monitor.
The world of video now has changed from analog to digital. These changes occur at all levels of the industry. On the consumer home and office we can enjoy the excellent quality of the digital video technology through the presence of VCD and DVD (Digital Versatile Disc), while the broadcasting world is now also gradually shift towards technology DTV (Digital Television). Most households in the United States have used the digital cable signal reception and digital satellite signals to digital television broadcasts.
2.5 Architecture Video Digital
Architecture consists of a Digital Video format for mengenkode and play back video files to your computer and includes a player that can recognize and open files created for that format. Architecture is the main digital video AppleQuicktime, Microsoft Windows Media Format and Real Network RealMedia. The associated video file formats are QuickTime movies (. Mov), Audio Video Interleaved (. AVI), Windows Media Video (. Wmv), and RealMedia (. Rm). Some players recognize and play more than one video file format.
Video, audio as well as undergo a similar process that is usually recorded and played as an analog signal. For that to be converted into digital advance in order to be processed into a multimedia title.
A video sources such as camcorders, VCRs, TV, or video disks, connected to a video capture card (video capture card) contained in a computer. When the source video is played, the analog signal is sent to the video card and converted into digital data which is then stored into the hard disk. At the same time, the sound of the source video is also digitized.
2.6 Advantages Digital Video
Some of the Advantages of Using Digital Video Digital Video has many advantages over analog video, the most important is the high accuracy in the process of transmission (high fidelity) than the analog signal. In analog signals, while receiving end of the transmission would be difficult to distinguish between the original signal and the noise that may be introduced during transmission. With the repeated transmission of the accumulated noise can not be avoided. As with the digital signal that can differentiate between the original signal with noise. Digital signals can also be transmitted repeatedly as many times as we want without affecting quality.
Digital video also has other advantages:
• Easy for the fox. Video Analog Video Tape works like a linear fashion with the prefix, middle and ending. If you want to change the video, we have often been rewind, pauss, reff tape to get the frame we want.
• Digitization also allows for random access.
• Interactive, Digital Video stored in random example, magnetic storage media / optical disk. While analog video using sequential storage, for example, magnetic disc / video tape. Digital video can provide a rapid response time in accessing any part of the video.
• Quality: the analog signal from the analog video quality will decline gradually due to the influence of atmospheric conditions. While digital video quality can be derived using compression techniques.
2.7 Digitalization Video
In the multimedia applications to be modified video signal into a digital form that can be stored in computer memory and do the editing.
- Sampling rate: find the value of horizontal resolution, vertical, frame rate for disample.
- Quantization: doing the conversion of analog signals to digital sampling.
- Digitizing video color: the more colors represented, the better the resolution of the color and size of its capacity will be higher. In a digital TV system, the process of digitizing all three color components performed before transmission.
- The process of editing and other operations can be done quickly
- It takes the same resolution for all three signal
2.8 Process for Digital Video Production
The process of creating digital video includes several stages. The first stage of the shooting technique. In order to produce good and quality video, shooting technique is very important in determine the results obtained. Shooting techniques mecakup several stages. The following steps need to be in shooting techniques
• Framing Shot: Three rules
• Minimise Camera Motion (motion): Shakes, Pans (moving the camera from side to side), and zooms
• Maintain Time Code
• Obtain the appropriate Shots close up (close), medium shot (MS), shoot wide (WS)
The second stage is the editing. Basics of editing includes capture (capturing) video from an external source, a separate set of video sequences or "clip", splitting and cutting (trimming) clip, and last add transitions and special effects. Terkhir stages of the manufacturing process is the rendering of digital video. as well as editing the rendering process would have stages. Starting from the video master to generate the file, a new independent video, very time consuming, processor-intensive operations and render the appropriate targets, but do not forget to keep the master
Of the explanation may diambul important points that NTSC and PAL are the most widely used specification for analog video, digital video is purely digital partial dam important aspect of digital video compression, frame rate, and resolution, and three steps to develop video: shooting, editing, and rendering
2.9 Some types of VGA to digital video:
- CGA (Color Graphics Array):
o Sleeps 4 colors with a resolution of 320 pixels x 200 pixels.
- EGA (Enhanced Graphics Array)
o Holds 16 colors with a resolution of 640 pixels x 350 pixels.
- VGA (Video Graphics Array)
o Accommodating 256 colors with resolution of 640 pixels x 480 pixels.
- XGA (Extended Graphics Array)
o Accommodating 65,000 colors with a resolution of 640 x 480
o Accommodating 256 colors with resolution of 1024 x 768
- SVGA (Super VGA)
o Accommodating 16 million colors with a resolution of 1024 x 768
3.1 Conclusion
Based on the above papers, it can be several conclusions, among others:
• Digital Video is a product of the computer industry and are therefore used as the standard digital data.
• Digital Video Architecture consists of a format for mengenkode and play back video files to your computer and includes a player that can recognize and open files created for that format.
Admin. , 2008. Audio-Video Editing, (online),, accessed October 7, 2010, at 19:47 pm
Dr. Ridi Ferdiana, S.T., M.T. Digital Video. Accessed on October 7, 2010, at 19:21 pm
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